Detailed Videos
Our Videos are well researched, to the point and concise. You will only learn what you have to learn and nothing more
Online Mock Tests
Practice is the most important and only method to build skill and confidence. The Mock tests are timed and will help you gain that edge.
Informative Articles
Rely on us to get informative insights into competitive exams, Question patterns, Shortcuts, Stress Management, Time Management and more.
Unique Methodology
Our Testing engine follows unique methodology, features to help gain mastery over efficient and effective practices before and during examination.
About CareerPrep
We are a group of professionals, who have focussed on competitive exams. We understand the mechanics of preparation, study and practice. We also understand that simple and small habit changes will make huge improvements.

We strongly Feel that Competitive Exam Preparation needs multi Dimensional Approach. These exams measure Mental Agility, Ability to respond quickly, Numerical and Language Skills and also Problem Solving Skills.
Strong Content is an important and essential starting point. The subject is so vast that you need a planned approach to cover all the possible Topics.
Breadth of Content
You need a clear understanding of all the papers, sections, topics, types of questions etc. These aspects also keep changing. It is always better to understand the formats of the latest exam.
Depth of Content
For each of the topics, there are differnt kinds of problems and they keep improving year after year. Keeping abreast of these new types of questions is essential.
Practice makes you perfect. Practice makes your memory strong. It makes the encoded memory in your brain readily accessible whenever required.
Practice builds Accuracy
Accuracy is the most important aspect of any exam as wrong answers attact negative marks and may pull down your score and ranking.
Practice removes blind spots
We all feel that we know much more than we actually know. This illusion makes us confident but will let us down at a very critical time when we have to deliver. During Practice we uncover these blind spots.
As we progress towards our work, we all feel the pain and uncomfort. We want to give up and make up some excuse to justify our action of giving up.
Grit, the essential part of your life.
Research shows that Grit is an essential component of success. Grit is all about Courage and Perseverence. It is shown that all successful people fail sometimes and Grit makes them to get up and continue.
Self Confidence propels you to your Goals and beyond
Confidence is the fuel that fuels your Journey. The Goals are your Destination but courage makes the journey enjoyable. When you start enjoying your journey, reaching the destination is just a matter of time.
Why Wait? Start Today.
Tomorrow may be too Late.
When you are clear about your Goal, Let the Journey begin. That Long Journey begins with your First Step.
Get Started
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The Curated Mock tests, Videos and Other Resources have been categorized under different Sections here. Please click on the Sections below to access the content.
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Competitive exam preparation is a long endevour which requires dedicated effort. Our effort is to make it systematic, enjoyable and productive.